Susanne E. Wilder is a Certified Food Executive, Home Economist, and has a bachelor’s degree from Washington State University. She is an “enlightened” Cordon Bleu chef, who specializes in creating quick, super healthy, chef-worthy menus for good health. She has more than three decades of experience in the foodservice and consumer food sectors and has worked as an adventure travel food writer, culinary consultant and instructor, and she is the author of 18 cookbooks. She is also a Hatha Yoga instructor, and a roller-blading, biking, kayaking, and boogie boarding bon vivant!
30 Minutes to Health
I’m Susanne Wilder, CFE (Certified Food Executive) and enlightened Cordon Bleu chef; I’ve spent the last five years researching the latest scientific breakthroughs and finding the best contributors and resources for each chapter to make this the book that can change your life.
Each chapter deals with one topic: first are all life depends on soils; type 2 diabetes; heart disease and high blood pressure; breast cancer; obesity; and stresses. I’ve found wonderful, knowledgeable contributors for some of the chapters. They include Dr V (Veronique Desaulniers), Dr Neil Barnard, Dr Joseph Michael Mercola, Certified Health Coach Terry Hodges, Dr Michael Greger and Alternative Cancer Treatment promoter Ty Bolinger.
We all mostly know what we should and should not eat, but my time-saving formulas make it fun and easy to follow the wellness path in just 30 minutes — including cooking time! These meals encompass super foods that help to prevent and combat a myriad of most health issues. Inside you’ll find information on how to take back control of your life and health. This includes pragmatic tools, tips and recipes that will help you change your life for the better on every front — physical, emotional and spiritual.
Do make chunks of time for you, with mindfulness. My approach is reverential to all of life with gratitude.
More info →All Life Depends on Soil
This first mini book in the 30 Minutes to Health series covers topics like vertical integration, companionate gardening, naturally enhancing your growing area, small space gardening, and sources for learning the art of gardening, as well as covering such interesting topics as edible weeds, sprouting and foraging at the farmers markets.
More info →Defeating Diabetes
Receiving the diagnosis of diabetes is a real wake-up call, though it can be a blessing if it causes you to decide to improve all aspects in your life. The necessary changes to your diet can end up in probable weight loss (and who doesn’t want that?) and higher levels of energy. If you’ve already decided to apply the principles of the previous chapter, Soils for Life, you’ll be ready to enjoy real, fresh foods from your own or a community garden.
More info →Healing the Heart
Poor lifestyle is the overriding health problem linked to elevated risk for many chronic diseases, including, but not limited to, heart disease obesity, Type II Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Studies have shown that one of the easiest ways to improve health is to improve diet. Along with loads of valuable information, this book provides several meal plans to help start you on your way to a healthier life.
More info →Beating Breast Cancer
Learn ways to make changes to mind, body and Spirit and help cured yourself. The author subscribes to the mantra Living Foods = Healing Foods. Information from Ty Bollinger, author of "Cancer: Think Outside the Box," and Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, Bio-energetic Chiropractor is also included. The book finishes up with tasty, healthy recipes that include vegetarian and vegan substitutions.
More info →Overcoming Obesity
Learn information about the obesity epidemic as well as information about cravings and how to deal with them. Includes multiple plant-based recipes.
More info →Mind, Body, Spirit
The other ebooks in this series have included more about physical ways to prevent and reverse degenerative diseases. This final book in the series embraces Mind, Body and Spirit. It’s like the three-legged stool of recovery, unity and service — all three important aspects need to be addressed! This book in the series covers many different complex but extremely important concepts.
More info →